What's your career ViewPoint today?
What’s your career ViewPoint? This past weekend, we stayed at a local campground and surfed at the beach. At the campground, there was a trail lining the beach that had different ViewPoints of the beach and this island protruding from it, when the tide was in. Each ViewPoint revealed a different angle of the beach and the island, which reminded me of how we have so many different ViewPoints of our career leading me to ask you, what’s your career ViewPoint today?
One ViewPoint showed the vast sea, distant lands, waves crashing, which to me, represents endless possibilities ahead. Our careers can go in so many different directions, guided by the wind and the waves, or our experiences and influencers. Our careers can be abundant. Our careers can thrive.
One ViewPoint was blocked by trees; I couldn’t see the island at all. Isn’t that the truth sometimes? We feel like we have no idea where our career is headed. We’re blocked by immediate issues in front of us. We may not see the path. We may feel like we’re fighting each day.
Another ViewPoint showed a clear view of the island, like a picture of the career we truly want. Yet, when I looked at it more closely, I couldn’t see a path to get on the island.
Then, another ViewPoint, on the other side of the beach, showed a risky path to climb the island. This represents all that is risky in pursuing our careers sometimes. Facing our fears, overcoming imposter syndrome, building the muscles to climb and reach our goals. We can see the path and have to make a decision to pursue it, doing whatever it takes to get there. Following this ViewPoint and the path can lead us to a new set of ViewPoints.
What ViewPoint do you have of your career today? Do you see abundance, are you blocked, do you have a clear path? Do you like the view, or do you want to shift it? Through career coaching, we can get you to the spectacular ViewPoints and thriving feelings. Set up a free call today, via ViewPoint Coaching & Consulting.
Coach Brieanne