Thrive with a clear ViewPoint


Career & Leadership

Do you want to develop your career or grow as a leader? These workshops are each designed to help you build your career or leadership skills. Most of these workshops are three 1-hour sessions or can be offered as a one-time 2-3 hour session, by request. Please let us know your objectives and time constraints and we can customize for you. There are also workshops pre-scheduled that you can sign up for here:

Workshop: Navigating Your Career with Clarity (Deep Dive)

A virtual workshop, where you’ll get to:

  • Identify your top values, to align your actions for a thriving career

  • Develop your purpose, to motivate you daily

  •  Create your vision, to set direction for the next 5-10 years

  •  Unearth the beliefs that are holding you back from your vision

  • Discover habits that will empower you to reach your vision

  •  Feel inspired to align your actions, live your purpose, and create your vision!

June: Three 1:45 hr. sessions, Tuesdays: 12-1:45pm PDT June 4, 11, 18

Workshop: Reign in the Overwhelm, Stress, and Anxiety to Feel Calm and Centered!

A virtual workshop, where you’ll get to:

  • Identify sources of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety in both personal and professional life.

  • Learn practical techniques for stress management and emotional regulation.

  • Implement strategies for creating balance, resilience, and inner calm.

June: Three 1hr sessions, Tuesdays: 9-10am PDT June 4, 11, 18

Workshop: Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Become Your Best Advocate!

A virtual workshop, where you’ll get to:

  • Recognize and challenge imposter syndrome triggers and thought patterns.

  • Build habits to nurture your inner critic.

  • Develop strategies to boost your self-confidence and assertiveness at work.

  • Build effective self-advocacy skills to advance your career.

June: Three 1hr sessions, Mondays: 6-7pm PDT June 10, 17, & 24

Workshop: Build Stronger Relationships, Influence People, and Improve Communications!

A virtual workshop, where you’ll get to:

  • Take the Emergenetics assessment and learn your thinking and behavioral preferences and how to work with your colleagues more effectively.

  • Enhance active listening skills to create deeper connections and understanding.

  • Learn to influence others for buy-in, motivation, and overall change management.

  • Develop strategies to communicate with clarity, empathy, and impact for improved relationships and outcomes.

July: Three 1hr sessions, Tuesdays: 12-1pm PDT July 9, 16, 23

Workshop: Master Your Time and Get and Stay Organized!

A virtual workshop, where you’ll get to:

  • Analyze current time management habits and identify areas for improvement.

  • Develop personalized systems for prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and managing time effectively.

  • Implement organizational techniques and tools to increase productivity and reduce procrastination.

 July: Three 1hr sessions, Tuesdays: 9-10am PDT July 9, 16, 23